
KLUMEL DESIGN on latvialainen yritys, joka luo designinnovaatioita rakkautta varten.

Löydämme puun uuden ilmeen arjen tavaroista nykyaikaiseen sisustukseen.
Aiomme jakaa intohimomme vaihtoehtoisiin näkemyksiin perinteisille ratkaisuille.
Uskomme, että "uudesta normaalista" tulee nykytrendi.
Tuomme luontoystävällisen ja kestävän elämäntavan hyvinvointiisi.

Historia joulukuusien takana:

Perinne pitää a koristeltu puu talvella kehitettiin keskiaikaisella Liivinmaalla nykyisellä Latvian alueella 1400-luvun lopulla. Varhaisimmat dokumentoidut tallenteet koristetun kuusen käytöstä historioitsijat löytävät Vanha saksan kieli kirjoituksia 1476 vuosi. Perinteestä tuli suosittu saksalaisten kauppajärjestöjen Mustapäiden veljeskunnan keskuudessa Riiassa noin vuodesta 1334 vuoteen 1939 ja joka levitti perinteen Saksaan.

Perinne on suosittu ympäri maailmaa nykyään ja uudet suuntaukset, joilla on a Joulukuusi on edelleen pystytetty Latviassa. Keinotekoiset joulukuuset ovat nykyään hieman suositumpia kuin luonnolliset joulukuuset. Ja molemmat luonnollinen ja keinotekoinen niillä on hyvät ja huonot puolensa.

Mutta mieti hetki. Entä jos suosikkijouluominaisuudestasi tulisi jokapäiväinen hymyn lähde ja muistutus onnellisista muistoista joulun, uudenvuoden, syntymäpäivän tai muun juhlan aikana? Entä jos olisi koristeltu kuusi, jossa ei ole irrallisia neuloja ja se on 100 % luonnollinen? Entä joulukuusi, joka mahtuu pöytälaatikkoon ja kasvaa 1,5 metriä silmänräpäyksessä? Siinä se on – taitettava vanerista valmistettu joulukuusi KLUMEL DESIGN ja saatavilla myymälästämme.


Craftsmanship and Plywood

Sustainability with Plywood

Plywood has emerged as a sustainable choice in interior design. Crafted from renewable wood veneers, plywood promotes responsible forest management. Its manufacturing process requires less energy and water compared to other materials, minimizing its environmental impact. With its strength and durability, plywood objects stand the test of time, reducing the need for frequent replacements. Plywood's versatility allows for upcycling and repurposing, embracing the principles of circular design. Eco-friendly finishes further enhance its sustainability. Embracing plywood in interior design means supporting sustainable practices, reducing waste, and creating beautiful spaces that align with our environmental values. Plywood truly embodies sustainability in interior design.

Plywood as a Design Medium

When it comes to unleashing creativity in interior design, plywood proves to be a remarkable design medium. Its versatility and natural charm open up a world of possibilities for designers and creatives. Plywood can be molded, shaped, and crafted into unique forms, allowing for the creation of captivating and imaginative designs. Whether it's foldable plywood trees, lamps, or furniture pieces, plywood adds an element of originality and artistry to any space. Its inherent texture, grain patterns, and warmth provide a distinct visual appeal that can be customized to suit various design styles. By embracing plywood as a design medium, designers can unlock their creativity and breathe life into their projects, infusing spaces with personality and ingenuity. Let plywood be the catalyst that sparks your creativity and sets your designs apart.

Eco-friendly Design Solution

Eco-friendly plywood has emerged as a game-changer in the world of interior design, offering both aesthetic appeal and environmental consciousness. Made from responsibly sourced wood veneers, eco-friendly plywood promotes sustainable forest management practices. Its manufacturing process utilizes low-emission adhesives, reducing its carbon footprint. Choosing eco-friendly plywood supports the preservation of forests and reduces the impact on the environment. By incorporating eco-friendly plywood into your design projects, you can create stylish and sustainable interiors that align with your environmental values. Embrace the beauty and eco-consciousness of plywood to make a positive impact on the planet without compromising on style and functionality.

Interior Design Styles

Plywood in Smart Design

Plywood has found its place in the realm of smart design, offering a perfect blend of functionality and style. Its lightweight yet sturdy nature makes it an ideal choice for creating innovative and space-saving designs. Whether it's foldable furniture, modular shelving systems, or adaptable room dividers, plywood proves to be a versatile material that can easily integrate technology and smart features. Plywood's clean lines and natural appeal provide a contemporary and sleek aesthetic that complements modern interior design. Its customizable properties allow designers to experiment with various shapes, curves, and forms, creating unique and eye-catching pieces that seamlessly fit into smart living spaces. By incorporating plywood in smart design, you can create a harmonious environment where technology meets timeless elegance. Embrace the versatility and beauty of plywood to infuse your space with intelligent design solutions that enhance both functionality and style.

Plywood in Minimalism

Plywood is a natural fit for minimalism design, as it aligns perfectly with the principles of simplicity, functionality, and clean lines. Its smooth surface and warm tones contribute to a serene and uncluttered aesthetic. Plywood furniture pieces, such as sleek tables, minimalist shelving units, or minimalist chairs, effortlessly blend into minimalist spaces, creating a harmonious and calming environment. The versatility of plywood allows for the creation of functional and purposeful designs that optimize space and storage. Its strength and durability ensure that the furniture pieces not only look elegant but also stand the test of time. Whether it's a minimalist plywood desk or a simple plywood bookshelf, these pieces exhibit a timeless appeal that complements the minimalism philosophy. By incorporating plywood into minimalism design, you embrace the beauty of natural materials while maintaining an unadorned and clutter-free space. Plywood's understated elegance and clean aesthetic perfectly enhance the essence of minimalism, creating an atmosphere of tranquility and simplicity.

Plywood in Scandinavian

Plywood seamlessly integrates into Scandinavian design, capturing the essence of simplicity, functionality, and natural beauty. This design style, inspired by the Nordic region, emphasizes light, airy spaces with a focus on clean lines and organic materials. Plywood's warmth and natural grain make it a perfect match for creating a Scandinavian aesthetic. In Scandinavian interiors, plywood can be seen in various applications such as furniture, flooring, and wall paneling. Its light color and smooth texture bring a sense of lightness and elegance to the space. Plywood furniture, like chairs and tables, often feature minimalistic designs that celebrate both form and function. By incorporating plywood into Scandinavian design, you can create a warm and inviting atmosphere that showcases the beauty of natural materials. The combination of plywood's simplicity and the Scandinavian style's emphasis on light, clean aesthetics results in a harmonious and timeless interior. Let plywood be the foundation of your Scandinavian-inspired space, where simplicity meets natural beauty.

Resilience of Plywood

How about Plywood Durability?

When it comes to weather resistance, plywood stands strong as a reliable and resilient material. Designed to withstand the elements, plywood exhibits remarkable durability against various weather conditions. Its composition of multiple layers, bonded together with strong adhesives, provides exceptional strength and stability. Whether it's scorching heat, heavy rain, or freezing temperatures, plywood retains its structural integrity, minimizing warping or swelling. Additionally, exterior-grade plywood, treated with preservatives, offers enhanced resistance to moisture and fungal decay. This makes plywood an excellent choice for outdoor applications such as roofing, siding, and construction projects, ensuring long-lasting performance and protection against adverse weather conditions. Current KLUMEL DESIGN products should be used indoors only.

Plywood in Outdoor Environment

It's crucial to prioritize the selection of exterior-grade plywood treated with preservatives when the plywood is used outdoors. While plywood in general is a durable material, exterior-grade plywood takes weather resistance to the next level. It is specifically designed to withstand the harsh outdoor elements, such as rain, sunlight, and fluctuating temperatures. The added preservatives further enhance its resistance to moisture, fungal decay, and insect damage, ensuring its longevity. By using exterior-grade plywood treated with preservatives, you can have peace of mind knowing that your outdoor projects, whether it's decking, fencing, or furniture, will withstand the test of time and remain resilient against the ever-changing weather conditions.

Carbon Footprint of Plywood

Plywood, as a wood-based product, generally has a lower carbon footprint compared to many other building materials. It is made from a renewable resource - wood, which naturally captures and stores carbon dioxide during its growth. Additionally, the manufacturing process of plywood requires less energy and emits fewer greenhouse gases compared to alternatives like concrete or steel. However, it is essential to consider the sourcing and production practices of plywood to ensure its sustainability. Opting for responsibly sourced plywood from certified forests and using formaldehyde-free adhesives can further reduce its environmental impact. By choosing plywood consciously, we can contribute to minimizing the carbon footprint and promoting sustainable construction practices.

Plywood Processing Methods

Foldable Plywood

Foldable plywood technology is an innovative solution that is revolutionizing the woodworking industry. This technology allows plywood to be folded, making it easier to transport, store, and use in construction and furniture design. The space-saving benefits of foldable plywood make it an ideal choice for those who want to maximize their storage or shipping space. Additionally, the versatility of foldable plywood allows for unique and creative designs that were not possible with traditional plywood. With its cost-effectiveness and availability in the market, foldable plywood technology is quickly becoming a popular choice for construction, architecture, and furniture design.

Plywood Bending

Bending plywood technology is an innovative solution that allows plywood to be easily bent and shaped into various forms and curves. This technology involves the use of specialized machinery and techniques to create flexible plywood that can be molded into unique shapes. Bending plywood is an ideal choice for furniture design and architecture, as it allows for the creation of curved and organic shapes that were not previously possible with traditional plywood. With its strength, durability, and flexibility, bending plywood technology is quickly becoming a popular choice for those who want to push the boundaries of design and create truly unique structures and furniture pieces.

Acoustic Plywood

Acoustic plywood is a specialized type of plywood that is designed to improve sound quality and reduce noise levels. This technology involves the use of a dense core material that is sandwiched between layers of high-quality plywood to create a panel with superior acoustic properties. Acoustic plywood is an ideal choice for use in music studios, home theaters, and other spaces where sound quality is of the utmost importance. With its ability to reduce noise levels and improve sound quality, acoustic plywood is becoming an increasingly popular choice for those who want to create a high-quality listening or recording environment.

Foldable Tree Interior Decor

Decor for a Happy Day

During day-to-day activities and during celebrations, foldable plywood tree interior decor adds a festive and enchanting touch to any space. Whether it's for Christmas, New Year, or other special occasions, these trees offer a convenient and stylish way to embrace the spirit of the festivities. With their foldable design, they can be easily stored and reused year after year, making them a sustainable and cost-effective choice. Decorate them with lights, ornaments, and garlands to create a captivating centerpiece or focal point in your home or event venue. From intimate gatherings to grand parties, these foldable plywood trees bring a touch of nature and elegance to your celebrations, setting the stage for joyous moments and cherished memories.

Foldable Tree for Valentine's Day

While foldable plywood tree interior decor is often associated with holiday seasons like Christmas, they can also be creatively used to bring a romantic ambiance to your space during Valentine's Day. Instead of traditional trees, opt for heart-shaped or love-themed designs made from plywood. These foldable trees can be adorned with romantic ornaments, fairy lights, and even personalized messages or photos. They create a unique and charming backdrop for intimate dinners, surprise proposals, or cozy evenings with your loved one. The versatility of foldable plywood trees allows you to customize them according to your desired theme and aesthetic, making them a delightful addition to your Valentine's Day celebrations.

Foldable Tree During Easter

During Easter celebrations, foldable plywood trees offer a versatile and delightful way to infuse the festive spirit into your home. These trees can be transformed into Easter trees by incorporating pastel-colored decorations, such as painted eggs, fluffy chicks, and delicate spring flowers. The foldable design allows for easy customization and placement, making them ideal for tabletop displays, mantels, or even outdoor settings. Whether you prefer a minimalist or lavish approach, the plywood tree serves as a perfect canvas to showcase your creativity. Add whimsy with bunny-shaped ornaments or hang handcrafted Easter-themed crafts. The foldable plywood tree becomes a symbol of renewal and joy, enhancing the Easter atmosphere and making your celebrations truly memorable.

Health Benefits of Interior Design

Interior Design and Mental Health

Research indicates that well-designed spaces have a profound impact on our psychological state. Factors such as lighting, color schemes, spatial layout, and furniture arrangement all play a crucial role. Natural light and views of nature have been linked to reduced stress and improved mood. Color psychology reveals that specific hues can evoke emotional responses, with cool colors promoting relaxation and warm tones enhancing energy levels. Thoughtful spatial design, incorporating elements like privacy, comfort, and a sense of control, can reduce anxiety and foster calmness. Furthermore, the integration of biophilic design, connecting humans with nature, has shown to enhance cognitive function and overall psychological wellness. By harnessing the principles of interior design, we can create spaces that positively impact mental health, ultimately enhancing our overall well-being.

Interior Design and Social Relations

Numerous scientific studies have revealed the undeniable connection between interior design and social relations. A well-designed interior can create a conducive environment that promotes social interactions and strengthens interpersonal relationships. Research has shown that open layouts with comfortable seating arrangements encourage face-to-face conversations and facilitate bonding among individuals. The strategic placement of furniture and the use of colors and lighting can enhance social interactions by fostering a sense of warmth and comfort. Furthermore, incorporating communal spaces and incorporating elements of inclusivity and accessibility in design can promote social cohesion and create a welcoming atmosphere for diverse groups. By harnessing the power of interior design, we can enrich social relations and cultivate a sense of belonging and connection within our communities.

Health Benefits of Plywood Interior Objects

Scientific research has shed light on the health benefits associated with the use of plywood in various applications. Plywood, a versatile engineered wood product, offers numerous advantages for human health and well-being. Studies have demonstrated that plywood exhibits excellent indoor air quality characteristics, contributing to reduced levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and formaldehyde emissions compared to other materials. Additionally, plywood's natural wood composition promotes better acoustics, reducing noise pollution and enhancing overall mental and physical comfort. Its durability and resistance to moisture and pests make it a favorable choice, ensuring a healthier and safer indoor environment. From improved air quality to enhanced acoustic properties, plywood proves to be an excellent material that positively impacts human health.

Felt Decors

Eco-Friendly Essence of Felt Decors

Scientific studies highlight the sustainable benefits of integrating felt decors into your design choices. Felt, derived from natural fibers, minimizes environmental impact by requiring less energy in production
compared to synthetic alternatives. Its biodegradability ensures a gentle return to nature at the end of its lifecycle. Felt's insulating properties can contribute to energy savings by regulating indoor temperatures, reducing the need for excessive heating or cooling. With a smaller carbon footprint, felt decors align with eco-conscious living. Embrace the science of sustainability and elegance with felt, paving the way for a greener, more harmonious world.

The Science Behind Felt Decors

Scientific studies reveal that felt, a natural textile, possesses remarkable sound-absorbing properties, effectively reducing ambient noise and enhancing acoustic comfort. Its porous structure contributes to better indoor air quality by trapping dust and pollutants, promoting a healthier environment. Moreover, the tactile and visual appeal of felt textures has been linked to reduced stress and increased feelings of coziness, positively influencing mental well-being. Join the design revolution by embracing felt decors – where aesthetics seamlessly merge with science to create spaces that nourish both body and mind.

Elevate Your Space with Felt Decors!

Discover the perfect blend of aesthetics and functionality. Felt decors bring a touch of elegance and warmth to any room. From stylish hangings and cozy cushions to sleek table runners, these versatile pieces enhance your interior design effortlessly. Felt's natural texture adds depth, while its sound-absorbing properties create a serene atmosphere. Crafted with precision, our felt decors are eco-friendly and durable. Elevate your space today with the timeless charm of felt. Blended in different colors and shapes to suit your wishes and needs. Your journey to a cozier, more stylish home begins here. Explore our collection now!

New Interior Design Trends


Minimaluxe will will make your home feel elevated, more expensive, and a calmer place to be.A harmonious blend of minimalism and luxury, Minimaluxe has gracefully transformed living spaces into sanctuaries of simplicity and sophistication. Characterized by clean lines, neutral color palettes, and premium materials, this trend champions the ethos of "less is more" without compromising on opulence. Its timeless appeal lies in its ability to create serene environments that evoke a sense of calm and refined elegance. As we continue to embrace Minimaluxe, we anticipate its continued influence, shaping homes that stand the test of time with enduring grace and style.

Natural Materials

The trend of incorporating natural materials has emerged as a steadfast beacon of timeless elegance. Wood, stone, leather, and bamboo weave a narrative of sustainability and authenticity, bringing the outdoors in. This trend celebrates the beauty of imperfections, embracing the unique textures and tones found in nature. From rustic to contemporary spaces, the versatility of natural materials transcends design boundaries, creating environments that resonate with warmth and harmony. Keeping in step with the collective affinity for materials and pieces that have the planet front of mind, natural materials and finishes are only set to become more popular.

Sculptural Furniture

The sculptural furniture style has gracefully transcended mere functionality, emerging as a captivating form of artistic expression. This trend celebrates the marriage of form and function, transforming everyday pieces into captivating objets d'artyou can interact with. Like other types of art, it’s available in numerous styles ranging from hyper-realistic to abstract.From sinuous curves to geometric precision, sculptural furniture becomes a visual symphony in any space, infusing a sense of drama and sophistication. Its ability to transcend traditional design boundaries has made it a hallmark of contemporary interiors.Out with filler pieces, in with conversation starters.

Indoor Air Quality Tips

Natural air-purifier

The snake plant, scientifically known as Sansevieria, is a remarkable air purifier. Its broad leaves efficiently filter out toxins like formaldehyde, benzene, xylene, and trichloroethylene, common in indoor environments due to furniture, paints, and cleaning agents. Notably, it releases oxygen at night, making it an ideal bedroom companion for better sleep quality. Its low maintenance requirements and resilience to various conditions make it a perfect addition to any indoor space. With its air-purifying prowess and aesthetic appeal, the snake plant stands as a natural, affordable solution for enhancing indoor air quality and promoting a healthier living environment.

Carbon dioxide absorber

Plywood, when manufactured with low-emission adhesives, can contribute to better indoor air quality. By using plywood in construction and furniture-making, we can reduce the release of harmful chemicals into the air compared to traditional materials. This low-VOC plywood serves as a healthier alternative, minimizing the presence of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that can negatively impact indoor air quality. Additionally, plywood acts as a barrier, preventing the infiltration of pollutants from other building materials. While it may not actively purify the air, choosing plywood made with these considerations in mind can create a healthier indoor environment for occupants.

VOC-free furniture

Bamboo furniture offers a myriad of benefits, particularly in enhancing indoor air quality. Renowned for its sustainability and eco-friendliness, bamboo furniture is a natural choice for those seeking to reduce their environmental footprint. Unlike conventional furniture materials like particleboard or MDF, bamboo emits fewer volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which can contribute to indoor air pollution. Its natural antibacterial properties also help in reducing allergens and airborne pollutants, promoting a healthier living environment. Additionally, bamboo's rapid growth and renewable nature make it a sustainable alternative to traditional wood furniture, further contributing to a greener lifestyle.

Basics of furnished interior

Most popular interior design decors

In the world of interior decor, few elements rival the timeless allure of paintings and plants. Paintings infuse spaces with personality, whether it's a vibrant abstract or a serene landscape, adding depth and emotion to walls. Meanwhile, plants breathe life into rooms, purifying the air and introducing a calming ambiance. From lush ferns to minimalist succulents, greenery brings nature indoors, enhancing aesthetics and well-being. Together, these staples create harmonious environments, blending artistry with nature's beauty. As trends evolve, paintings and plants endure as cornerstones of interior design, enriching homes and spaces with their enduring charm and vitality.

Compromise between artificial and natural

Artificial decors crafted from natural treasures like plywood, bamboo, and seagrass epitomize sustainable sophistication. Plywood, with its versatile strength, forms the backbone of minimalist furniture and wall paneling, exuding understated elegance. Bamboo, revered for its eco-friendly growth and durability, weaves into exquisite rugs, blinds, and statement pieces, infusing spaces with organic allure. Seagrass, with its earthy texture, adorns floors as durable rugs, embodying coastal charm and environmental mindfulness. Together, these materials harmonize aesthetics with ethics, forging a design narrative that celebrates the beauty of nature while honoring the imperative of sustainability in every corner of our homes.

Indoor symphony of light and air 

Light and air, the essential duo shaping interior sanctuaries, transcend mere functionality to become design pillars. Natural light floods spaces, illuminating textures and colors, creating warmth and vitality. Paired with strategically placed artificial lighting, it orchestrates mood and ambiance, defining the character of rooms. Simultaneously, airflow breathes life, circulating freshness and vitality, ensuring comfort and well-being. Through clever placement of windows, skylights, and ventilation, designers harness these elements to sculpt atmospheres of serenity and spaciousness. In the symphony of interior design, light and air compose the foundational notes, orchestrating harmony and balance within the architectural canvas of our homes.